The Reggie Valentine continued

Here are a couple of pictures from the process that I've gone through thus far to make the actual cards. The cards are just shy of 3 square inches each and printed on fine watercolor paper in different colors from my Epson inkjet printer. With each card backing made from hand-made papers, (the left over scraps from my holiday cards) I hand printed "reggie" with my signature logo. For some reason, I really wanted the reggie illustration to have round edges so I very carefully cut around the edge and used a little nail filer to mold each round edge to perfection. I think that I will probably glue them together so that I can write a little note or message on the back of each one. Just like the tiny cards we use to get from our secret crush in Elementary school! I'm also thinking about adding a bit more of that shimmer I liked so much from the holiday cards and more red satin ribbon to accent. Photos to follow of the final product in the next week as I finish this project in time for Valentine's Day!
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